(Stacked Posts Edition)
I guess some of my readers will find it hard to forgive me this time. Oh please!
Honest enough to say that this school year has been slaying me softly thinking about
all the obligations and duty laid on my hands. Today, I am seriously posting some posts
to somehow make it up to the weeks or months I haven't updated you about the things
I was able to do at my very least vacant days. So here it my love... :)
went to Pizza Republic with some students after they visited some schools that offers Grade 10.
They surely had fun the same way I felt after tasting the pizzas in there.
fell in love with Dahilayan Forest Park! the place was totally cold yet worth the endure. LOL!
ate at Bel Tavola!(an Italian cafe)with two of my favorite and closest co-faculty.
The foods and place were both great requirements to mention. :)
together with my SNHS (school where I teach) family, visited Eco Village located at the
upper part of Malasag after our 3 days solemn and silent retreat @ Betania Retreat House.
lately, I get to visit my instagram account since it's faster to operate than a blog that needs
a really good time. hehehe...